Hello again, thank you again for following along with my internship journey!
This week in my supervision I was asked the motherload of questions: where do you want to be after internship? She had asked me this before, but it still took the breath from my lungs and for a minute I felt completely overwhelmed. I took a deep breath and began drawing out my plan to begin my own private practice in music therapy. As every word was falling from my mouth I felt every emotion on the spectrum from enthralled to nervous to how on earth am I going to make this work? With every answered question I had three more to ask and suddenly I was beginning to see how big this beast of business ownership can be.
As I moved into this weekend I was feeling the weight of my many thoughts, questions, concerns… until I remembered why I wanted to be a music therapist in the first place.
I grew up in a small town at least thirty minutes from any major grocery stores or eateries that didn’t involve pizza, Mexican food, or some true blue down home cookin’ and I loved it. But as I grew a bit older and began to notice the limited resources there for people in need I felt a call to action come over me. That’s where my drive to help others began. This combined with my love of music and by age 15 I knew with everything I had that I was going to be a music therapist.
Remembering this, I knew that reaching out to a community new to music therapy may not be an easy or quickly achieved endeavor but it’s what i want to do, I want to make a difference.
Thanks for reading!