Welcome back!

I have been excited that I feel I am finally getting into the swing of things. I am beginning to really settle into this transition from student to therapist, and I’m loving it.

As this week was winding down I experienced my first complete breakdown with a client. I have seen many breakdowns in my life but for some reason this one was different, and it stuck with me. Because of thisĀ I have found myself lost in thought while I’ve been cooking, cleaning, or even trying to do homework.

To some therapists, this time of concentrated thought may be helpful but to me it has been stressful. It was then that I remembered what a professor of mine used to say “it is important to take off your music therapy hat and leave it at the door.”

Doing this can feel as though I am setting aside time to stop helping others, but it is actually time to begin helping myself. When I take off my “music therapy” hat I can put on my “wife” hat, “musician” hat, or even… no hat at all!

Then when I step out the door every morning with coffee in hand, I can place that music therapy hat back on my head where it belongs and head into every session with a refreshed outlook.