At Music Therapy Connections, we have people with a wide variety of experience and talents come through our doors. I think I can speak for our team when I say that we love using our expertise to serve the community in this way!
We have 5 year old beginners and 60 year old beginners. We have guitarists, vocalists, and pianists alike. I have a special place in my heart (and schedule) for homeschool students!
I know that many homeschooled students have limited options for exploring the arts within their school days. Our teachers offer music lessons focusing on those foundational musical skills and terms that students would otherwise learn in school music classes. Students learn how to execute new skills and are able to learn at their own pace with a 1:1 teacher.
Best of all, we are happy to offer daytime lessons! We have availability during the regular school day hours, so your student won’t miss a beat!
Are you ready to expand your student’s repertoire of skills?
Register below!