Hello again!
I hope you all have had a lovely week.
My week was very special as it ended with our recital on Saturday. But this wasn’t just any recital, this was the first recital that I have ever been to where I have students and clients participating. I discovered that this perspective is different, but in many ways very similar.
For instance, it was in no way less stressful. I was overwhelmed with nerves and excitement as my students took the stage to play their piece. I’m sure that my face had turned red as red can be. When they played their piece they played beautifully, they kept going when they made mistakes, they got up on stage even having just overcome an illness, and for some they performed regardless of ability or disability but because they had a song to show the world and this was their stage to do it. Some of my students were elated to having been on stage, and some were so overwhelmed with excitement that they ran off stage when they were done.
It was one of those moments where I’m trying to look composed and keep it together when I just want to throw both arms up in the air and do a victory dance every time they get the transition, every time they complete a song beautifully, every time they remember all. of. the. words.
What I thought I knew was that I would be proud of them, what I didn’t know was how proud. I am so lucky to be able to work with a group of people who make my world a brighter place every single day. Not many people can say that they love what they do, but because of these people, I really do.