Look around our studio and you’ll see just how much we love our Bear Paw Creek movement props. There are stretchy bands hanging on the wall, balloon balls on our shelves, drawstring bags full of scarves, and bins brimming with beanbags.
But it’s not just us who loves them; it’s also our students, clients, and their families. The songs in this songbook are staples in our sessions, groups, and classes, and we hope they’ll become staples for you, as well.
The songbook is made up of 4 sections, one for each of the different movement props for which the songs were written. Refer to the description page at the beginning of each section for implementation ideas, or feel free to come up with your own!
Songs include:
- “Stretch in the Morning”
- “In a Circle”
- “‘Round the Rainbow”
- “Grow Flower Grow”
- “Movin’ in the Circle”
- “I Have a Beanbag”
- “Beanbag in My Hand”
- “Bop Bop the Balloon Ball”
- “I Have a Balloon Ball”
- “See the Scarf”
- “Colors of the Rainbow”
- “We’re Gonna Wave”
This songbook includes not only the lyrics and chords for each song, but also recordings and song directions. We wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to begin including these songs in your own classes and sessions!