We all have those moments. Heres my most distinct breakthrough as a therapist, teacher, and musician.
It was my fourth semester studying music therapy at Western Illinois University. I was in my required weekly voice lesson. I chose voice as my primary instrument and honestly had no idea what commitment I was making. My professors office was small, cramped, and there was sheet music on top of her upright, acoustic, and slightly out of tune piano. It was humid and the windows were open allowing a warm breeze to fly through the room on occasion.
I was practicing a German art song when my professor stopped me, for the fifth time and the same reason. I just. Couldn’t. Get. The note. If I remember correctly its was a G… that pesky G. I had convinced myself that because I couldn’t sing that note the way I wanted to the first time, that I would never be able to do it.
She knew I was wrong.
It was in that pause that she had a talk with me that I would repeat to my students in the future.
“We are all growing. We have all built walls. When something challenges us we have to chose to say no, you’re wrong, you CAN do this. you WILL do this.”
We began the song and I did it. I hit the G. I achieved the impossible — or apparently, the possible.
As a therapist and a teacher at Music Therapy Connections I have these talks frequently. I try to encourage my students of all ages regularly, especially when I can see that they have hit a wall. I know that all of our teachers at MTC do the same. My favorite days are when I get to witness a student having a breakthrough. Those days are why I love what I do.
So, if you..
1. Have taken lessons (voice, guitar, or piano alike) and quit for whatever reason, but still want to learn.
2. Have tried to teach yourself, but felt stuck or frustrated with some of the material.
3. Have taught yourself how to play but feel as though you can’t reach your full potential because you haven’t had a chance to learn the theory.
Then click the link below and register and someone from our team will email you to help you find the right teacher, day, and time to help you finally achieve your breakthrough!