{Movement Props in Practice} Final EvaluationPlease complete and submit this evaluation once you have finished all lessons in the course.Name* First Last CBMT Number*How would you rate the instructor's presentation style?* Excellent Good Fair PoorHow would you rate the instructor's knowledge of subject and clarity?* Excellent Good Fair PoorHow would you rate the instructor's interaction with participants?* Excellent Good Fair PoorHow would you rate the quality of relevant information?* Excellent Good Fair PoorHow would you rate the quantity of relevant information?* Excellent Good Fair PoorHow would you rate organization of the material?* Excellent Good Fair PoorWas the following CMTE learning objective met?*Participants will identify and use non-music materials (movement props) that are consistent with music therapy goals and clients’ learning styles. (BCD I.D.11) Yes NoWas the following CMTE learning objective met?*Participants will use movement props to provide music therapy experiences to address clients’ motor skills. (BCD II.A.2.z) Yes NoWas the following CMTE learning objective met?*Participants will use movement props to integrate movement with music to achieve therapeutic goals. (BCD II.A.5.q) Yes NoWas the following CMTE learning objective met?*Participants will adapt goal-based movement prop songs for use with music therapy clients. (BCD IV.B.3) Yes NoWas the online environment conducive to learning?* Yes NoWas the length of the program appropriate?* Yes NoWas the amount of material presented sufficient?* Yes NoWere your educational needs and expectations met?* Yes NoWhat information presented in this course was most useful to your professional life?This CMTE course could be improved by:Please suggest topics for future CMTE courses:Please select one: Board-Certified Music Therapist Music Therapy Intern or Student Music Educator Δ