Movement Mega Bundle


Introducing the Movement Mega Bundle!

This collection of 40 songs, 40+ applications, 48 videos, and 3 CMTE credits will provide you with all the motor movement songs (for use with and without props) that you’ll need to help your students and clients meet their objectives this year.

When you purchase the Movement Mega Bundle, you’ll receive full access to our 3 movement-based resources:

For full product details, read the description below.



When you purchase the Movement Mega Bundle, you receive full access to all 3 of our movement-based resources.

Movement Props in Practice

Movement props are an essential part of our music therapy toolbox. We love them because they are incredibly versatile: most of our props can be used with a variety of populations, from our early childhood classes, to individual music therapy sessions, to our older adult groups.

In these settings, we use movement props to address a multitude of goals and objectives — in many cases, within one single song. We’ve written a collection of songs specifically for use with movement props, and in this course, we’re sharing them with you. Not only that, but we’re showing you exactly how we implement these songs and use movement props in practice through footage from our classes and sessions.

The tools and techniques provided in this course will give you a solid foundation for incorporating movement props (and our adaptable song collection!) in your own practice.

Movement Props in Practice is pre-approved by CBMT for 3 CMTE credits. All of the materials for the course are provided to participants online and can be consumed at your own pace. Once you have enrolled, you will have up to one year to complete the course in order to receive your CMTE credits. Those who purchase the course will have lifetime access to all course materials.

Songs for Movement Props is a songbook for music therapists, educators and anyone else who uses music to help children learn, grow and thrive.

The songbook features lead sheets and recording for 12 songs written for use with movement props (especially those from Bear Paw Creek), and in addition to getting kids moving and grooving, they also address skills such as color identification, taking turns, body and spatial awareness, directions, and many more.

The songbook is made up of 4 sections, one for each of the different movement props for which the songs were written. Refer to the description page at the beginning of each section for implementation ideas, or feel free to come up with your own!

Songs include:

  • “Stretch in the Morning”
  • “In a Circle”
  • “‘Round the Rainbow”
  • “Grow Flower Grow”
  • “Movin’ in the Circle”
  • “I Have a Beanbag”
  • “Beanbag in My Hand”
  • “Bop Bop the Balloon Ball”
  • “I Have a Balloon Ball”
  • “See the Scarf”
  • “Colors of the Rainbow”
  • “We’re Gonna Wave”

This songbook includes not only the lyrics and chords for each song, but also recordings and song directions. We wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to begin including these songs in your own classes and sessions!

Songs for Motor Movement is a versatile collection that can be implemented with no additional materials whatsoever! This resource includes the lyrics, chords and mp3 files for 18 songs, as well as a detailed breakdown of application ideas for every song listing goals, procedures, and possible adaptations. We have also created demonstration videos to show you the movements for each song.

The songs in this movement pack are perfect for use with a rambunctious preschool music class, an individual with behavioral goals, or a client who is resistant to trying instruments or movement props.

1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I Caught a Fish Alive
2. 10 Little Fingers
3. Bouncing Everywhere
4. Caterpillar Walks Around
5. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
6. I Like to Clap
7. In A Circle
8. Itsy Bitsy Spider
9. Move Your Body Along
10. Namaste
11. On Our Trip to the Mountains
12. Open, Shut Them
13. Ready, Set, Wait!
14. Roll A Snowball
15. Skidamarink
16. Sway Like a Tree
17. Swimming in the Sea
18. Wiggle In My Feet

These songs have been compiled to address a variety of needs and ages, including those of an early childhood group, school-aged children with special needs, and more.